Enlarged Liver Swollen Legs

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Types and Causes of Canine Liver Disease. Trauma. s that receive a severe and blunt blow to the front of the abdomen can suffer from liver disease.

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Learn about liver disease symptoms such as nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, jaundice, weakness, and weight loss. Causes of liver disease vary from infection, medication use, and other conditions and diseases.

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Drinking alcohol may cause water retention and aggravate existing edema.

Swollen Lymph Glands in s – Causes, Symptoms and Treatments. A lymph node (also known as a lymph gland) is an important part of a ‘s immune system, and is basically an organ that filters foreign particles and organisms from the blood.

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The liver and spleen share common blood circulation pathways. Due to the circulatory link between the liver and spleen, many disease processes affect both

The pancreas, which is located behind the stomach, produces pancreatic juices and hormones including insulin. The substances produced by this organ aid in

Reporting symptoms: “Most doctors and nurses report that one of the greatest barriers to good symptom management is a person’s unwillingness to report his or her symptoms.

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Gallstone: Gallstone, concretion composed of crystalline substances (usually cholesterol, bile pigments, and calcium salts) embedded in a small amount of protein material formed most often in the gallbladder.

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The spleen is an organ above the stomach, under the ribs. Certain diseases may cause a spleen to swell. A damaged spleen may need removed. Read more.